How to keep your dental equipment clean


Dental equipment that isn’t properly cleaned and maintained can lead to severe illness in your patients and present health and sanitation issues for your employees who regularly deal with the equipment. Follow these simple steps to keep your dental equipment clean and safe.

Daily cleaning of your equipment

Dental hygiene is essential, but it doesn’t mean you must be a slave to it. Indeed, the best way of avoiding problems like gum disease and plaque build-up is by brushing and flossing twice a day. Saliva also helps wash away bacteria and food particles. So, if you don’t drink enough water, plaque build-up is much more challenging to remove.

But one of the most important things you can do for your teeth is also one of the easiest: keeping them dry. And you know that you need to keep the dental equipment clean and dry to prevent bacterial proliferation.

Periodic deep cleaning of your equipment

It’s not always possible or even necessary to do a deep cleaning of your equipment daily. The frequency of deep cleanings will depend on many factors, such as the type and usage of instruments, the kind of work environment, and the number of staff. It is crucial, though, that you do periodic deep cleansings. This should be done at least once a week or whenever the surface areas become contaminated with blood or other fluids. Start by soaking all removable components in a disinfectant solution for 10-15 minutes. Then use a toothbrush or disposable towel to scrub off any caked-on debris. For more difficult stains and debris, removing parts one by one may be necessary and scrubbing them down individually using the same process described above for each component until all surfaces are free from contamination. When finished, reassemble all parts back into their original positions.

Storage of your equipment

The first step in keeping your dentistry equipment in top shape is to store it properly. When not in use, ensure the machine is covered and that any removable parts are stored inside the device. This will help prevent dust, dirt and other debris from getting on them. Cover the entire device with a clear plastic bag or wrap it with a lint-free cloth if you need extra protection. And when possible, turn the machine off before storing it so it doesn’t accidentally start up when moving around or transported.

The second step for maintaining dental equipment is regular cleaning and sanitising procedures. These should be done at least every six months but can vary depending on how often they are used. Use an antibacterial cleaner and warm water to wipe down all surfaces of the machine. Rinse well with water, then pat dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Troubleshooting tips for keeping your equipment clean

You need to take care of some everyday sensical things in the clinic.

  • Do not eat, drink or smoke near the equipment.
  • Keep a disinfectant nearby and use it as often as you need.
  • Use alcohol hand gel before working on a patient.
  • Stay away from the patient’s mouth if you have any cuts on your hands.
  • Remove rings before working on a patient so they don’t get caught in the machine and cause an injury.


Dental cleaning devices are typically sterilised after each use. Still, this isn’t enough to keep it free of bacteria and other pathogens that can spread throughout your dental clinic if left unchecked. To protect the health of your staff and customers, you should have an extra layer of protection against these harmful agents by ensuring that all your equipment remains clean.


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