What are acoustic carpet tiles?



Acoustic tiles are an excellent option for any space that needs to operate quietly. They reduce noise and echo and will help your employees work efficiently. Acoustic carpet tiles are also good for homes, offices and museums because they provide comfortable underfoot support, thermal insulation and great sound absorption properties.

Acoustic carpet tiles are designed to reduce noise in a space.

Acoustic carpets are designed to reduce noise in a space. The acoustic foam layer, which absorbs sound, is moulded into the shape of a tile and applied to the flooring. This reduces noise by up to 30%.

The tiles come in various colours, patterns and materials so you can create a unique look in your home or office – many manufacturers make them from recycled materials such as denim jeans or wool rugs that have been transformed into carpet tiles! They’re easy to install, too; just lay them down over your existing flooring and walk on them with confidence, knowing that they’re helping you achieve peace and quiet.

A noise reduction coefficient measures how effective a product is at absorbing sound.

A Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) measures how effectively a product absorbs sound. It’s measured in decibels (dB), with 0 being perfect absorption and one standing for no absorption.

The NRC of acoustic carpet tiles can be between 0 and 1, but the best ones will have an NRC between 0.3-0.9 — which means they absorb 30 to 90% of the sound they come into contact with.

There are different types of acoustic products that are available on the market today:

  • Acoustic insulating materials reduce noise from outside sources and transformers from inside sources by reflecting it towards its source, absorbing it before it reaches you, deflecting it away from you, or extending beyond your immediate area, so you’re not directly exposed to these external noises. Allowing sound waves through so you can hear what’s going on around you but reducing their intensity by about 20 dB (or about half their original level).
  • Acoustic barriers usually contain porous materials such as fibreglass wool insulation bonded together tightly enough that air cannot pass through them easily, so there’ll still be some sound transmission. Still, not enough people could hear what was going on inside without being right next door either through air leakage gaps around windows/doors etc., especially when using acoustic panels made up entirely out of dense acoustic insulation rather than lightweight fibres like cellulose fibreboard sheets which tend not be very effective at blocking out unwanted noise levels. Unless there’s a double layer installed side by side separated by an airspace gap between each layer which helps prevent direct contact between both sides preventing any direct transference between them, thus resulting in reduced airborne transmission losses due primarily due increased resistance offered by thicker layers against movement caused by vibrations coming off surfaces such as floors.


Carpet tiles are an attractive, cost-effective way to cover a floor. But they’re also easy to install and replace.

That’s because carpet tiles are modular: they come in square or rectangular shapes that can be laid on top of each other with minimal seam gaps. This makes them great for quickly and easily covering large areas, whether installing your flooring or having a professional do it for you.

Carpet tiles can be used anywhere from the bedroom to the bathroom—it just depends on what kind of look you’re going for! They’re available in all kinds of colours, textures and patterns, so it’s easy to find one that matches the style of your home perfectly.